
The headquarter of ICAR-Vivekananda Paravatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan is located at Almora. Besides, offices and laboratories, residential colony and Director's residence (Kundan House) are also located at headquarter.

The Administrative block houses the offices of Director, Technical Cell, Administration I, II and III and Finance and Accounts Section. The Library-cum-Auditorium building has library on the ground floor and auditorium on the first floor. The library has about 4000 books, 6000 journal and 2000 miscellaneous publication accessions. The auditorium has a capacity of 120 audience. The museum is the repository of classical instruments used by Prof. Boshi Sen, progress of research, salient technologies and outreach activities, human resource development and latest publications.


 Image of Institute Museum   Image of Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit 

Institute Museum

Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit
Image of Agricultural Chemistry and Microbiology Lab Image of Arial View of ICAR-VPKAS at Almora

Agricultural Chemistry and Microbiology Lab

Aerial View of ICAR-VPKAS at Almora